Why Choose QuEST

We remain the biggest and most well know centre in the Middle East with our reputation for quality unrivaled. Our face to face learning, supplemented by online learning, allows every individual to really enjoy their course and feel proud of their successes. Every student is an individual to us, and their high level of engagement with their tutor means they get the help and support to make their learning journey with us successful and enhances their career.
Learning with us is more than just passing the course and receiving a certificate. It is about enjoyable, in depth and active learning, stimulating lessons and the chance to make real friends while increasing knowledge and skills of best early years practice. With teaching and learning delivered by tutors who really understand the context of our students, we constantly update our teaching materials to really meet the needs of all our students We don’t rely on online prewritten lessons but develop our own teaching materials to meet the cultural context of our students as well as the integrity of the NCFE/CACHE qualifications.
We care about our students and are proud of our very high retention and completion rates making our training the best value which justifies our highly deserved reputation as the market leader. Nursery and schools know that students trained by us receive a high quality education which makes them highly employable. Students know that once they enroll with us, their hard work alongside our expertise and knowledge is going to prove a successful combination to allow then to finish their course in the time allowed and actually save them money and time in the long run. We are rightly proud of who we are and our reputation for not compromising on quality as we believe every student and the children in their care deserve the best.
Where we lead others follow

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